Lajin on tunnustanut virallisesti Institute of Traditional Martial Arts -niminen taho, ja lajia hallinnoivan yhdistyksen (Pammachon Cultural Union) puolestaan Kreikan kulttuuri- ja urheiluministeriö. Laji jakautuu neljään osaan, jotka näemmä kattavat itsepuolustuksen, voimankäytön, lähitaistelun ja meditaation.Pammachon is a method of martial education incorporating a philosophical foundation, a strategic base, and a neurological/evolutionary paradigm, all enacted physically through specific tactical and operational training. The method is based on traditional Hellenism, incorporating principles proven throughout the millennia to provide asymmetric capabilities to practitioners.
Alla oleva lainaus selventänee, miten laji koetaan:
Since 1999 Kostas Dervenis has used the term “pammachon” (πάμμαχον) for both the martial arts and the warrior’s path expressed through these arts. Establishing a name for the martial art of the Greeks has been problematic since ancient times. In the Iliad, Homer calls the techniques of grappling and joint-locking deployed by Ulysses against Ajax in their contest as kerdea, "ways to win." The word "Pammachon" which Kostas has chosen may be older than the commonly used pankration, and is a better translation for "martial art." Beyond the historical and documented use of the word beginning in the palaeochristian era, it is obvious linguistically that the words “machaira” (μάχαιρα – blade), and “mache” (μάχη - battle) originate from the same root “mach-” (μαχ-). Thus the word “mache” (μάχη), essentially describes a martial confrontation that includes both the use of close quarter combat weaponry (e.g. knife, sword, spear, lance, club etc.), and (the somewhat more important in contemporary times) unarmed combat against the aforementioned lethal weapons. A proper translation of the word “pan-machon” (πάν-μαχον) would be “total combat.” In essence “pammachon” describes what we call today “close quarter combat,” and so Kostas chose the term carefully to differentiate Greece's martial art from its combat sports wrestling, boxing, and pankration (MMA).