's ... ted_States
En tiedä tarkkaan järjestyksenvalvojien tilanteesta, minkälainen jälkipyykki raudoittamisesta tulee eli joutuuko selvittelemään kovinkin pitkään esim. poliisiasemalla, että mitä tapahtui ja minkälaiset mahdollisuudet raudoitetulla on lähettää lakimiesarmeija raudoittajan kimppuun.Use of force
In general, a private person is justified in using non-deadly force upon another if they reasonably believe that: (1) such other person is committing a felony, or a misdemeanor amounting to a breach of the peace; and (2) the force used is necessary to prevent further commission of the offense and to apprehend the offender. The force must be reasonable under the circumstances to restrain the individual arrested. This includes the nature of the offense and the amount of force required to overcome resistance.[96][97] In at least one state, a civilian may use reasonable force, including deadly force if reasonable, to prevent an escape from a lawful citizen's arrest.[98][99]
Shopkeeper's (merchant's) privilege
In some states of the United States, the courts recognize a common law shopkeeper's privilege, under which a shopkeeper is allowed to detain a suspected shoplifter on store property for a reasonable period of time, so long as the shopkeeper has cause to believe that the person detained in fact committed, or attempted to commit, theft of store property. The purpose of this detention is to recover the property and make an arrest if the merchant desires.[100]
Differing liability from police
Private persons are occasionally granted immunity from civil or criminal liability, like the police are, when arresting others.[101] While the powers to arrest are similar, police are entitled to mistake of fact in most cases, while civilians can be held to a stricter liability depending on the individual state. Police can also detain anyone upon reasonable suspicion.[102] However, ordinary citizens cannot claim "qualified immunity" to attempt to defend against a civil complaint for false arrest.[103]
Muistan takavuosina jostain dokkarista, kun Jenkkilässä ampuma/-itsepuolustuskouluttaja kehoitti mahdollisessa aseenkäyttötilanteessa ampumaan hyökkääjää tappamistarkoituksessa, ettei hän pysty myöhemmin hakemaan korvauksia tms. oikeusteitse.