Former Pride superstar Wanderlei Silva is in early discussions to make his middleweight debut against decorated Judoka, Yoshihiro Akiyama at UFC 108 in Jan. News of the bout was first reported in a post from Luke Thomas of MMANation on Twitter.
Even though the bout is far from official and is in the early stages of discussions, the possibility of the bout has peaked fans interest. If booked, the Silva vs. Akiyama bout has the potential to be an exciting back and forth battle as both men often bring an aggressive and crowd-pleasing style.
Etsitkö kamppailuharrastusta? Aloita suoraan tästä uusi aihe valmiiden kysymysten kanssa ja odota, kun konkarit vastaavat sinulle. 

Valvoja: Valvoja
- etupotkija
- Viestit: 94874
- Lauteille: Joulukuu 2004
- Paikkakunta: Tampere
- Etulaji: HIIT, girya
- Sivulajit: pilates, yinjooga
- Takalajit: Tanglang
- etupotkija
- Viestit: 20360
- Lauteille: Tammikuu 2005
- Paikkakunta: JKL
Ei varmaan Wandyltä mikään huono juttu tipauttaa vielä sarjaa alemmaksi.
- etupotkija
- Viestit: 94874
- Lauteille: Joulukuu 2004
- Paikkakunta: Tampere
- Etulaji: HIIT, girya
- Sivulajit: pilates, yinjooga
- Takalajit: Tanglang
Dana White always says he expects for bad stuff to happen each day when he wakes up. He didn't have to wait until this morning for his latest lousy break at UFC 106. Tito Ortiz twittered late last night that his opponent Mark Coleman is out of their Nov. 21 fight. Now what?
It's been difficult to find premium matchups at light heavyweight. UFC has champion Lyoto Machida facing Mauricio "Shogun" Rua at UFC 104 in October. It just announced Rashad Evans will battle Thiago Silva in January at UFC 108. And Randy Couture just came off the table against Brandon Vera at UFC 105 in November. So who's left? And what's the UFC's goal for Tito?
- kylkeenpotkija
- Viestit: 1576
- Lauteille: Tammikuu 2009
- Paikkakunta: Praha
- Takalajit: paini, potkunyrkkeily, ju-jutsu, judo, bujinkan
Viime yönä jenkeissä näytetyssä The Simpsons -jaksossa (s21e03) oli MMA-meininkiä. Oikein mainio jakso .
Learning budo is like playing snakes and ladders without the ladders.
- etupotkija
- Viestit: 94874
- Lauteille: Joulukuu 2004
- Paikkakunta: Tampere
- Etulaji: HIIT, girya
- Sivulajit: pilates, yinjooga
- Takalajit: Tanglang
Wanderlei Silva vs. Yoshihiro Akiyama (UFC 111):
- polveenpotkija
- Viestit: 149
- Lauteille: Lokakuu 2009
- Paikkakunta: Jäke
Lesnar peruuttanut matsinsa 106:s, ei ole sairauden takia pystynyt treenaamaan kuukauteen.
Oisko sit vaan suoraan Carwin - Velasquez tohon slottiin
Oisko sit vaan suoraan Carwin - Velasquez tohon slottiin
- reiteenpotkija
- Viestit: 381
- Lauteille: Syyskuu 2009
- Paikkakunta: Malmö
Ei, vaan UFC 106 main eventissä mätkitään Tito Ortiz vs. Forrest Griffin. Linkki uutiseen:" onclick=";return false;MikkoH kirjoitti: Lesnar peruuttanut matsinsa 106:s, ei ole sairauden takia pystynyt treenaamaan kuukauteen.
Oisko sit vaan suoraan Carwin - Velasquez tohon slottiin
Eat healthy, exercise regularly, die anyway.
- kylkeenpotkija
- Viestit: 2447
- Lauteille: Syyskuu 2006
- Paikkakunta: Suomi
Lesnar on ilmeisesti sen verran vakavasti sairas että tällä hetkellä vaikuttaa että ura on jäämässä tähän. Tuossa yksi uutinen aiheesta. ... snar-20949" onclick=";return false; ... snar-20949" onclick=";return false;
Sherdog kirjoitti: White: No Return in Sight for Ill Lesnar
MANCHESTER, England -- Brock Lesnar will not be back in the UFC anytime soon, according to UFC President Dana White.
Speaking with the media after UFC 105, White indicated the heavyweight champion is very ill and will be out of action for the foreseeable future. He went on to state that an interim title match might need to be set up.
White did little to shed light on the specifics of Lesnar’s condition, but he did state that he has been hospitalized.
“He’s in a hospital up in North Dakota somewhere right now,” said White. “He went to Canada and some bad stuff happened to him, so we’ve got to figure it out.
“He doesn’t want to talk about it publically, but he’s in bad shape. He’s not well and he’s not going to be getting well anytime soon.”
Lesnar pulled out of his Nov. 18 heavyweight title match with top contender Shane Carwin, and reports suggested he had swine flu. But when rumors began to circle about the rescheduled Jan. 2 date being in jeopardy, it was announced that Lesnar had mononucleosis and could be out even longer than originally thought.
Now, after White’s comments, it is apparent that Lesnar is in more dire shape. He is not only suffering from mono but other ailments as well.
“He has other problems too,” continued White, fielding a question about his diagnosis of mononucleosis. “He is not good. He is very, very sick and he’s going to be out for a while.”
White went on to state that the UFC would be doing everything in their power to help Lesnar.
“I am worried about it,” said White of his biggest star’s medical situation. “You know, I can’t really talk about it right now, but he’s in rough shape. He’s in really bad shape … and we’re going to have to do some stuff to take care of this guy. He is not well and he’s not getting any better.
“We’re going to have to send him to the Mayo Clinic or to Scripps, or one of those really good hospitals to figure out what’s wrong with this guy.”
- ilmaanpotkija
- Viestit: 8
- Lauteille: Marraskuu 2009
En tiedä onko totta, tuollainen kuva vain löytyi.

E: Jos joku ei tunnistanut jampereita, niin Lesnar ja Fedor.

E: Jos joku ei tunnistanut jampereita, niin Lesnar ja Fedor.
- polveenpotkija
- Viestit: 149
- Lauteille: Lokakuu 2009
- Paikkakunta: Jäke
- etupotkija
- Viestit: 94874
- Lauteille: Joulukuu 2004
- Paikkakunta: Tampere
- Etulaji: HIIT, girya
- Sivulajit: pilates, yinjooga
- Takalajit: Tanglang
Brock is back!MikkoH kirjoitti: Ei ole totta, Lesnar tuskin ottelee puoleen vuoteen.
--Brock Lesnar is ready to start training immediately, and will fight the winner of Shane Carwin and Frank Mir. If something happens to Mir or Carwin in that fight, the winner of Nogueira-Velasquez will get a shot.
--Brock was suffering for almost a year with stomach pains and didn’t know what it was. During training camp for Shane Carwin everything snowballed and fell apart. He was missing full weeks of training camps.
--Brock had diverticulosis, not diverticulitis, which is the more minor case. One of his diverticuli ruptured, creating a hole in his stomach lining. His body couldn’t eat enough food to get nutrients, so he was operating at 60-80%.
- etupotkija
- Viestit: 94874
- Lauteille: Joulukuu 2004
- Paikkakunta: Tampere
- Etulaji: HIIT, girya
- Sivulajit: pilates, yinjooga
- Takalajit: Tanglang
"Nobody has a real answer for getting shoved into the fence and trapped there and stuck there," Couture says in the latest promo video for UFC 109. "And so I think that's a way I can get to Mark, as well. ... If he doesn't do his homework, he's going to find himself with his back against the fence and he's going to be stuck."
Mites veikkaatte että käy?
- kylkeenpotkija
- Viestit: 3966
- Lauteille: Syyskuu 2008
- Paikkakunta: Kokkola
- Etulaji: Aikido
- päähänpotkija
- Viestit: 9836
- Lauteille: Syyskuu 2005
- Paikkakunta: Wisteria Lane
Eipä taida hepalla oikein olla aseita Randyn voittamiseen. Sekä pystyssä, klintsissä, että matossa selvästi heikompi, eikä oikein omaa sellaista tyrmäysvoimaakaan, jolla voisi munkittaa pystyssä.
Arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand
Metallica - Holier than thou
Metallica - Holier than thou
- etupotkija
- Viestit: 20360
- Lauteille: Tammikuu 2005
- Paikkakunta: JKL
Niin ei ole semmoista miehekästä tuhovoimaa. Eiku se olikin Buakaw...