Etsitkö kamppailuharrastusta? Aloita suoraan tästä uusi aihe valmiiden kysymysten kanssa ja odota, kun konkarit vastaavat sinulle. 

Valvoja: Valvoja
- kylkeenpotkija
- Viestit: 3966
- Lauteille: Syyskuu 2008
- Paikkakunta: Kokkola
- Etulaji: Aikido
- etupotkija
- Viestit: 20358
- Lauteille: Tammikuu 2005
- Paikkakunta: JKL
WAR Maiju!
Toivotaan, että voittoja napsahtaa ja tiet isompiin karkeloihin on avoinna pitkään.
Toivotaan, että voittoja napsahtaa ja tiet isompiin karkeloihin on avoinna pitkään.
- munillepotkija
- Viestit: 980
- Lauteille: Toukokuu 2008
- Paikkakunta: Pohjanmaa
Jos Maiju voittaa Strikeforcessa, niin eikö se tarkoita sitä, että hänestä tulee kaikkien aikojen menestynein suomalainen vapaaottelija? Sitä odotellessa!
Onko Maijun matseja jossain nähtävillä?
Onko Maijun matseja jossain nähtävillä?
Vasara riivisi
- kylkeenpotkija
- Viestit: 3966
- Lauteille: Syyskuu 2008
- Paikkakunta: Kokkola
- Etulaji: Aikido
Täällä juttua Maijusta ja vastustajista ... ield-26240" onclick=";return false; ... ield-26240" onclick=";return false;
- kylkeenpotkija
- Viestit: 3386
- Lauteille: Kesäkuu 2009
Evans B.J. Penniä ylempänä...hmm." onclick=";return false;
MMA Top 10 Pound for pound
(Number in parentheses is the fighter's rank in the last pound-for-pound list)
1. Georges St. Pierre (2): GSP seems close to cleaning out the welterweight division, to the point where we're going to wonder if there are any interesting fights left for him. Then again, that was the case for Silva, too. Josh Koscheck is a legitimate threat to St. Pierre, even as he's also a major underdog.
2. Jose Aldo (3): At age 23, Aldo is the youngest fighter on this list, and it's exciting to think about how much he can accomplish in MMA. Up next is a featherweight title defense against Manny Gamburyan at WEC 51 in September.
3. Anderson Silva (1): At age 35, Silva is the oldest fighter on this list. It's incredible that he's managed to win his first 12 UFC fights, and he may still have plenty more wins left in him. But make no mistake, he's on the down side of his brilliant career.
4. Shogun Rua (4): The biggest question about Rua is how long his knees can hold up. Rua is the champion of the UFC's marquee weight class and is a good enough fighter to be the first light heavyweight champion since Chuck Liddell to go on a sustained run of dominance over the division. But longevity questions will linger over any athlete who has multiple knee injuries.
5. Frank Edgar (5): Edgar's victory over B.J. Penn in April was viewed by many as either a result of Penn showing up out of shape or Edgar benefiting from bad judging -- or just a fluke. But the closer we get to their rematch at UFC 118, the more I think Edgar has the right style to keep the fight standing and win another decision.
6. Dominick Cruz (6): The 15-1 Cruz is probably a little bit underappreciated because he wins so many of his fights by decision, but I for one am thrilled about his WEC bantamweight title defense against Joseph Benavidez next week. That's one of the best fights of the year.
7. Lyoto Machida (7): Although the UFC hasn't officially announced it, all indications are that Machida's next fight will be against Rampage Jackson in November. That's a fight Machida should win going away; Rampage's style is tailor made for Machida to pick him apart.
8. Rashad Evans (8): I'd like to see Evans be a little more active, but he's planning to wait around for as long as it takes for Shogun to get healthy. When it happens, likely in early 2011, the fight will be worth the wait.
9. Joseph Benavidez (9): I still think it's long past time for the WEC to launch a flyweight division, and for Benavidez to start cutting down to 125 pounds, a weight class at which I think he'd be the best fighter in the world. As it stands, he has an opportunity to prove himself as the best fighter in the world at 135 pounds against Cruz.
10. B.J. Penn (10): We'll find out a lot about Penn when he gets his rematch against Edgar later this month. Does he come back in great shape and with a great game plan? Or are there going to be renewed questions about his dedication? I expect to see Penn looking better than he did in their first fight in April -- but I think Edgar will look better, too." onclick=";return false;
MMA Top 10 Pound for pound
(Number in parentheses is the fighter's rank in the last pound-for-pound list)
1. Georges St. Pierre (2): GSP seems close to cleaning out the welterweight division, to the point where we're going to wonder if there are any interesting fights left for him. Then again, that was the case for Silva, too. Josh Koscheck is a legitimate threat to St. Pierre, even as he's also a major underdog.
2. Jose Aldo (3): At age 23, Aldo is the youngest fighter on this list, and it's exciting to think about how much he can accomplish in MMA. Up next is a featherweight title defense against Manny Gamburyan at WEC 51 in September.
3. Anderson Silva (1): At age 35, Silva is the oldest fighter on this list. It's incredible that he's managed to win his first 12 UFC fights, and he may still have plenty more wins left in him. But make no mistake, he's on the down side of his brilliant career.
4. Shogun Rua (4): The biggest question about Rua is how long his knees can hold up. Rua is the champion of the UFC's marquee weight class and is a good enough fighter to be the first light heavyweight champion since Chuck Liddell to go on a sustained run of dominance over the division. But longevity questions will linger over any athlete who has multiple knee injuries.
5. Frank Edgar (5): Edgar's victory over B.J. Penn in April was viewed by many as either a result of Penn showing up out of shape or Edgar benefiting from bad judging -- or just a fluke. But the closer we get to their rematch at UFC 118, the more I think Edgar has the right style to keep the fight standing and win another decision.
6. Dominick Cruz (6): The 15-1 Cruz is probably a little bit underappreciated because he wins so many of his fights by decision, but I for one am thrilled about his WEC bantamweight title defense against Joseph Benavidez next week. That's one of the best fights of the year.
7. Lyoto Machida (7): Although the UFC hasn't officially announced it, all indications are that Machida's next fight will be against Rampage Jackson in November. That's a fight Machida should win going away; Rampage's style is tailor made for Machida to pick him apart.
8. Rashad Evans (8): I'd like to see Evans be a little more active, but he's planning to wait around for as long as it takes for Shogun to get healthy. When it happens, likely in early 2011, the fight will be worth the wait.
9. Joseph Benavidez (9): I still think it's long past time for the WEC to launch a flyweight division, and for Benavidez to start cutting down to 125 pounds, a weight class at which I think he'd be the best fighter in the world. As it stands, he has an opportunity to prove himself as the best fighter in the world at 135 pounds against Cruz.
10. B.J. Penn (10): We'll find out a lot about Penn when he gets his rematch against Edgar later this month. Does he come back in great shape and with a great game plan? Or are there going to be renewed questions about his dedication? I expect to see Penn looking better than he did in their first fight in April -- but I think Edgar will look better, too.
Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.
Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu
- kylkeenpotkija
- Viestit: 1008
- Lauteille: Huhtikuu 2007
- Paikkakunta: ESPOO
MMA-uutisia ... _piece.jpg" onclick=";return false;
Posteri tohon Strikeforcen naisten tournamenttiin.
Posteri tohon Strikeforcen naisten tournamenttiin.
BJJ / Satunnaisesti joskus harvoin nykyään jotain muuta.
BJJ / Satunnaisesti joskus harvoin nykyään jotain muuta.
- kylkeenpotkija
- Viestit: 1122
- Lauteille: Elokuu 2007
Repesin jostain syystä tolle julisteelle.
"Takedown", "Girlfight Monster", "Beauty but the Beast"/"Fighting Barbie" ja sitten "Maki".
"Takedown", "Girlfight Monster", "Beauty but the Beast"/"Fighting Barbie" ja sitten "Maki".

- kylkeenpotkija
- Viestit: 3610
- Lauteille: Elokuu 2006
- Paikkakunta: Espoo
- etupotkija
- Viestit: 94856
- Lauteille: Joulukuu 2004
- Paikkakunta: Tampere
- Etulaji: HIIT, girya
- Sivulajit: pilates, yinjooga
- Takalajit: Tanglang
- kylkeenpotkija
- Viestit: 1008
- Lauteille: Huhtikuu 2007
- Paikkakunta: ESPOO
Kuva osallistujista: ... h_belt.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... h_belt.jpg" onclick=";return false;
BJJ / Satunnaisesti joskus harvoin nykyään jotain muuta.
BJJ / Satunnaisesti joskus harvoin nykyään jotain muuta.
- munillepotkija
- Viestit: 587
- Lauteille: Helmikuu 2009
MMA-uutisia" onclick=";return false;
Elikkäs Maiju hävisi ottelunsa turnauksen voittaja Tatelle täyden ajan jälkeen kaikin tuomariäänin.
Elikkäs Maiju hävisi ottelunsa turnauksen voittaja Tatelle täyden ajan jälkeen kaikin tuomariäänin.
Hanna Hirvonen
- kylkeenpotkija
- Viestit: 3386
- Lauteille: Kesäkuu 2009
Clancy B. kirjoitti: uskonpa että Mies Hatate (= Miesha "takedown" Tate) vie naisten tournamentin.
Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.
Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu
- kylkeenpotkija
- Viestit: 3966
- Lauteille: Syyskuu 2008
- Paikkakunta: Kokkola
- Etulaji: Aikido
Hyvin Maiju otteli, vähän enemmän vaan variaatiota siihen iskuun niin eiköhän se siittäPuukko kirjoitti:" onclick=";return false;
Elikkäs Maiju hävisi ottelunsa turnauksen voittaja Tatelle täyden ajan jälkeen kaikin tuomariäänin.

Hienoa! 8-)
- päähänpotkija
- Viestit: 12812
- Lauteille: Huhtikuu 2005
- Paikkakunta: Kotka
- Etulaji: Defendo
Ihan tikissään tuo Tate kyllä..
"He´s too much blackbelt for you"- Tuntematon setä ravintelissa.
- kylkeenpotkija
- Viestit: 1008
- Lauteille: Huhtikuu 2007
- Paikkakunta: ESPOO
Noi 3-minsan erät oli kyl imho melkonen floppi. Noh jos jotain hyvää pitää hakea niin alunperin piti olla 2-minsan erät joka ois ollu täys floppi.
BJJ / Satunnaisesti joskus harvoin nykyään jotain muuta.
BJJ / Satunnaisesti joskus harvoin nykyään jotain muuta.