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Haku löysi 1 tuloksen

loka 9, 2017, 22.38
Keskustelualue: Dojang
Aihe: Moodo (mudo)
Vastaukset: 8
Luettu: 4435

Moodo (mudo)

Tuo herätti uteliaisuuteni. Korealaisista lajeista en keskivertaista potkulaista enempää tiedä, mutta löysin jotakin.
Directly translated, Moodo / 무도 / 武道 means “martial way.” From Korean to English it is also sometimes translated as chivalry or knighthood. Koreans speak about moodo-in / 무도인; that is, “martial way person.” In Japanese the term for moodo / 무도 is budo, which is closes related to the concept of bushido / 武士道; i.e. the way of the warrior.

Moodo / 무도 not merely suggests learning fighting techniques, or even mastery of the art (mooye / 무예), but rather a way / Do / 도 of life. One's practise in the discipline has transcended skill and art (aesthetics) into ascetics. Your practise has become a spiritual discipline, a path towards enlightenment.