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Haku löysi 1 tuloksen

huhti 5, 2014, 01.53
Keskustelualue: Arot ja aavikot
Aihe: Hermopistekamppailusta
Vastaukset: 778
Luettu: 122138


“The way that guy set up the triangle was a little low level. That’s why my taps were closer to his shoulder than his neck. It made it hard to reverse his blood flow and paralyze his diaphragm. It’s a good thing they ended the match when they did,” he added, “because the third tap could’ve had some unforeseen effects.”
Miten näin fysiologisesti tuo verenkierron suunnan muuttaminen onnistuu? Kun sydän voi vain pumpata verta yhteen suuntaan :D