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Haku löysi 2 tulosta

heinä 17, 2017, 12.44
Keskustelualue: Sauna
Aihe: Kulttilajien tunnusmerkit
Vastaukset: 161
Luettu: 38744

Kulttilajien tunnusmerkit

Useilla HEMA-foorumeilla ja FB-sivuilla on viimeaikoina ihmetelty ilmeisen masinoitua ja määrätietoista yritystä levittää uskomatonta pötypuhetta liittyen HEMAan ja eurooppalaisten kamppailutaitojen historiaan. Tästä on ollut vastuussa tyyppi nimeltä Oleg Maltsev, ja ehkä myös hänen opetuslapsensa. Ilmeisesti viimeaikoina homma on mennyt niin pitkälle, että joitain HEMA-harrastajia ja jopa heidän perheenjäseniään on uhkailtu, kun on ensin saatu kaivettua sosiaalisesta mediasta heidän yhteystietojaan ja asiaan mitenkään liittymättömiä seikkoja heidän yksityiselämästään.

Maltsev on väitetysti joku itsekeksimänsä "temppeliherra"lahkon johtaja ja entinen no-touch ki-master, joka pyörittää jonkinlaista kulttilajiorganisaatiota, sekä lisäksi puhuu jonkinlaisissa bisnes-seminaareissa, pyörittää jotain lakifirmaa tai -firmoja, sekä kirjoittaa "tieteellisiä" julkaisuja. Nyt näemmä tarkoitus on yrittää jollain tavalla valloittaa HEMA-skene aktiivisesti levittämällä jotain aivan käsittämättömiä höpöhöpöjuttuja, sekä manipuloimalla ja uhkailemalla sen jäseniä.

Mieleen tulee pakosti, että lieneekö Maltsev täysin itsenäinen kulttijohtaja, vai onko hän kenties jopa osa jotain Venäjän valtion virallista trolliarmeijaa ja misinformaatiokampanjaa?
Many of you are aware of the postings in various HEMA forums / groups by Oleg Maltsev and his group. These have been mostly entertaining with the whole HEMA community (in a rare moment of unity) ridiculing his accusations that we need our “ignorance liquifying”.
However, behind this there have been credible threats made against HEMA members, including in one case, a threat made to a family member at work. A group of us have done some research and we believe what we’ve found out needs to be disseminated around the HEMA community.
Oleg is part of a group that has been labelled the “Odessa Templars”. The Russian Orthodox Church have accused them of a number of things including fraud, kidnap, sexual assault and threatening behaviour.

Maltsev fashions himself as the Templar King and the advert for their seminar rips huge scenes from the Assassin’s Creed franchise. In videos and articles we’ve seen, Maltsev has claimed a complete revision of fencing history, that the Colliseum in Rome is fake and that Jerusalem was created by Stalin. Maltsev is deliberately contradictory so he cannot be held to account.

His HEMA claims are also verifiably false and absurd. He dubs himself a “Grand Maestro” from a non-existent Madrid club with a false page, supposedly run by a Spaniard with very broken Spanish. Fabris apparently contains “Greek Snake Style” derived from Hercules’ battle with the Hydra. Alfieri apparently contrasts Norman vs Greek styles. The list goes on and on! We’ve learnt that has been receiving some skype instruction from Jon Rister in Texas. However, Maltsev is a former no-touch master as can be seen in this video:

We are unsure whether these Odessa Templars are con men or a cult, probably a little of both. As you can imagine the region is very politically charged at the moment but given their actions in HEMA groups, they are exhibiting typical cultish behaviour.
They work by isolating individuals, targeting vulnerable people and victims of crime. In the case of HEMA they have come into groups and have posted pictures they’ve found of anyone who opposes them. They also make use of LinkedIn to find details of people and try and intimidate them. They have made homophobic attacks on members in the hope that it would isolate the individual.
More worrying though is that they have found phone numbers, phoned and threatened at least half a dozen HEMA members. This has included a member of an Italian HEMA club where they found his wife’s work phone number and threatened her.

The reports from the Russian Orthodox Church make for sober reading.
http://iriney.ru/okkultnyie/akademiya-s ... nyix-nauk/

More details can be found here, which is a rebuttal of those claims
http://hrwf.eu/ukraine-followers-of-jew ... to-a-cult/

More articles have come to light which give further alleged details how Maltsev’s operation works:

They are running training camps in Tenerife and Istanbul. They run an Unsolved Crimes ‘magazine’. We’ve also found companies in Finland, Germany and a few other places, although these may be part of his deception to establish himself as a credible businessman.

This goes far beyond “liquifying people’s ignorance” and should anyone receive a threat from Maltsev or his band of cosplay Templars they should report it to the police and make the HEMA community aware. If you do have vulnerable people in your clubs, please be aware of them friending any of Maltsev’s crew.

tämä on ilmeisesti ukon oma sivusto: http://olegmaltsev.com
helmi 22, 2008, 01.40
Keskustelualue: Sauna
Aihe: Kulttilajien tunnusmerkit
Vastaukset: 161
Luettu: 38744

Häh...? :D Ok noi "larppaajat" on aika syvällä skenessä, mutta kuka toi portsari on? Joku MMA-jätkä?`:)