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Haku löysi 2 tulosta

kesä 13, 2018, 08.48
Keskustelualue: Sauna
Aihe: Evoluutio ja tappelu
Vastaukset: 183
Luettu: 21022

Evoluutio ja tappelu

Tämän keskustelun innoittamana muistin tämän artikkelin ja laitoin lukulistalle kirjan.
Sivuaa ainakin aihetta.

"Forty-Five Things I Learned in the Gulag
By Varlam Shalamov"
https://www.theparisreview.org/blog/201 ... the-gulag/
kesä 8, 2018, 08.17
Keskustelualue: Sauna
Aihe: Evoluutio ja tappelu
Vastaukset: 183
Luettu: 21022

Evoluutio ja tappelu

Tässä vähän infoa.
" In 2016, researchers in Spain analyzed data from more than 4 million deaths across 1,024 mammal species, including humans. [8 Human-Like Behaviors of Primates]

Given that there were nearly 16,000 human murders in the United States alone in 2015, according to FBI data, and a plethora of motivations people have for committing murder — from jealousy, to squabbles about money, to hatred toward those who are different — it'd be easy to think that Homo sapiens sapiens would be the species most likely to kill its own kind.

But humans didn't even rank in the top 30, though other animals commonly thought to kill each other — wolves, lions and nonhuman primates, including various monkeys and lemurs — did."

" However, the analysis has one major caveat: The circumstances of the murders are quite different between humans and the rest of the mammals.

That is, the majority of mammal murders involve infanticide, or the killing of babies. In meerkat society, for example, dominant females routinely kill the pups of the subordinate females in their group.

Humans are part of a small group of animals, which also includes wolves, lions and spotted hyenas, that routinely murder adults of their species. And among this small group, we stand out. As Harvard biological anthropologist Richard Wrangham told Live Science, when it comes to killing adults, "humans really are exceptional."

https://www.livescience.com/60431-do-an ... other.html

Tässä viitataan ilmeisemmin tähän tutkimukseen ja artikkeliin joka on julkaistu Naturessa.
https://www.nature.com/articles/nature1 ... lantic.com